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Avenza Announces 2006 Avenza MAP Awards

– 2006 Awards promises to be the best one yet –

Toronto, ON, August 1, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces the 2006 Avenza Map Awards. Renamed from the MAPublisher Map Awards, this competition is a forum for MAPublisher and Geographic Imager users to showcase their work, receive recognition, share ideas and compare their productions with other MAPublisher and Geographic Imager users from around the world.

“We are very pleased to hold this awards event once again,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. ”Every year we see more and more tremendous examples of what our products can empower a user to create and we look forward to just as exciting a selection of entries this year,” he added.

A copy of all maps received for this year’s competition will also be forwarded to The Map Division of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC to be added to the MAPublisher collection established in 2003.

More About the Avenza MAP Awards
The competition is open to all maps created with MAPublisher and/or Geographic Imager. Awards will be presented for the map judged as the best in each category along with a grand prize for the Best Map Overall. In the academic category the winning entrant with also be awarded a free license of the MAPublisher or Geographic Imager version of their choice that they may use to either expand or upgrade their existing working environment.

List of Categories

  • Best Map Overall
  • Best Thematic Map
  • Best Topographic Map
  • Best Transportation Map
  • Best General Purpose Map
  • Best Special Purpose Map
  • Best Geologic Map
  • Best Multimedia Map
  • Best Academic Map
  • Best Map Collection
  • Best Raster project


Submissions will be accepted until September 30th, 2006 midnight EST.

Full competition details are available at or by emailing

More About MAPublisher and Geographic Imager
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of these design packages. Geographic Imager is powerful software for working with spatial imagery in Adobe Photoshop that leverages the superior image editing capabilities of this raster-based image-editing software. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

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