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National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India Chooses MAPublisher

– Major Indian government agency adopts MAPublisher for its map production –

Toronto, ON, May 9, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces that the National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India (NATMO) has chosen MAPublisher for their map creation needs. This Kolkata-based branch of the Indian government is the prime architect of the National Atlas of India as well as many other major geographic and cartographic projects for the Indian government.

Multiple licenses of MAPublisher have been purchased by NATMO as a first step towards integration into their workflow and the modernizing of their cartographic and geographic production processes.

“We are thrilled to include NATMO among the many prominent overseas users of MAPublisher who have invested in multiple licenses,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. “It is wonderful to see the growing acceptance of our products overseas and to be a part of the Indian government’s entry into modern-day map creation methods,” he added.

More About MAPublisher
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Xtras for Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics editing capabilities of these applications with the strength and power of GIS data. Full details and downloadable demo versions are available at

More about the National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India
The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization is the premier national thematic maps and atlas making organization under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology. Based in Kolkata, this organisation is a subordinate office under the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of science and Technology, Government of India. It presently has a sanctioned strength of 462 posts which includes 75 officers and 387 staff members of different designations including scientific, technical and administrative officials of which a large number are highly qualified professional geographers, perhaps the largest number under one roof any where in the world. It also employs qualified statisticians, geologists, cartographers and printing professional.

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is a privately held, award-winning supplier of powerful map-making software and affordable geodata products. Led by its flagship MAPublisher product for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand and new Geographic Imager suite for Adobe Photoshop, Avenza has brought GIS and geographic workflows to the mainstream graphics and imaging environments. The Company also offers product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

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