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MAPublisher 7.2 for Adobe Illustrator Announced

– Powerful mapmaking software now enriched with even more powerful tools –

Toronto, ON, December 26, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces the release of MAPublisher 7.2 for Adobe Illustrator CS and CS2. MAPublisher 7.2 is the latest version of this powerful mapmaking software used to produce high quality maps from GIS data.

MAPublisher 7.2 for Adobe Illustrator is a full product update that is free to all current MAPublisher Maintenance Program subscribers and replaces the current shipping version of MAPublisher 7.1 for all new customers.

“We have quickly responded to the requests of our users by quickly improving on the previous version 7.1 release and including many new functions and feature enhancements in this release,” said Ted Florence, President of Avenza, “This update is another major step forward for MAPublisher.” he added.

MAPublisher 7.2 includes all the significant new functionality introduced in MAPublisher 7.0 including a new intelligent labeling engine, new grid, graticules and scalebar generators, new and improved MAP attributes engine with expression builder, advanced selection filters and support for double-byte character sets, as well as the following new features and enhancements.

Features of MAPublisher 7.2 for Adobe Illustrator

  • Enhanced MAP Indexing

    – Cell entries for a feature are now alphabetized and on a single line.
    – Entries which fall directly on a grid line are not omitted.
  • Enhanced Image Registration

    – Linked images within non-standard document sizes are now supported.
    – Linked GeoTiff images are now supported.
    – Images with TAB reference files and rubber sheeting information are now supported.
  • Enhanced Grids and Graticules

    – Functionality has been added to allow for the omission of grid/graticule labels in the first and last rows and columns.
    – Results from edits to a character style which have been applied to a grid/graticule now immediately reflected in the grid/graticule.
  • Various other user interface enhancements to improve usability


More About MAPublisher 7.2 For Adobe Illustrator
MAPublisher 7.2 for Illustrator is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of this graphics design software. Avenza also offers MAPublisher 5.0 for FreeHand – a suite of Xtras that adds mapmaking functionality to Macromedia Freehand 10 and MX.

MAPublisher 7.2 for Illustrator is available free of charge to all MAPublisher for Illustrator customers with a maintenance subscription and as an upgrade for US$499. New licenses are US$1149. Prices include 1 year of maintenance. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

MAPublisher 7.1 for Adobe Illustrator Announced

– Powerful mapmaking software now enriched with even more powerful tools –

Toronto, ON, September 25, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces the release of MAPublisher 7.1 for Adobe Illustrator CS and CS2. MAPublisher 7.1 is the latest version of this powerful mapmaking software used to produce high quality maps from GIS data.

MAPublisher 7.1 for Adobe Illustrator is a full product update that is free to all current MAPublisher Maintenance Program subscribers and replaces the current shipping version of MAPublisher 7.0 for all new customers.

“We have quickly responded to the requests of our users by immediately improving on the recent version 7.0 release and including many new functions and feature enhancements in this release,” said Ted Florence, President of Avenza, “This update is another major step forward for MAPublisher.” he added.

MAPublisher 7.1 includes all the significant new functionality introduced in MAPublisher 7.0 including a new intelligent labeling engine, new grid, graticules and scalebar generators, new and improved MAP attributes engine with expression builder, advanced selection filters and support for double-byte character sets, as well as the following new features and enhancements.

Features of MAPublisher 7.1 for Adobe Illustrator

  • New Advanced Expression Builder

    – new syntax highlighting makes it easier to build expressions
    – new operators including LIKE, REGEX, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, POW and PI
    – automatic entry of attributes into expression builder by double-clicking
    – automatic formatting
    – built-in descriptions and examples
  • Advanced Control for Labeling

    – new labeling options for specifying location along a line and for disabling automatic flipping
  • Advanced line-joining function for greater control over compound paths
  • Improved optimization for conversion of legacy files
  • Compliance with Mac Intel processor based systems
  • New progress bars in most functions indicating time left to process
  • Various other user interface enhancements to improve usability

More About MAPublisher 7.1 For Adobe Illustrator
MAPublisher 7.1 for Illustrator is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of this graphics design software. Avenza also offers MAPublisher 5.0 for FreeHand – a suite of Xtras that adds mapmaking functionality to Macromedia Freehand 10 and MX.

MAPublisher 7.1 for Illustrator is available free of charge to all MAPublisher for Illustrator customers with a maintenance subscription and as an upgrade for US$499. New licenses are US$1149. Prices include 1 year of maintenance. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

Avenza Announces 2006 Avenza MAP Awards

– 2006 Awards promises to be the best one yet –

Toronto, ON, August 1, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces the 2006 Avenza Map Awards. Renamed from the MAPublisher Map Awards, this competition is a forum for MAPublisher and Geographic Imager users to showcase their work, receive recognition, share ideas and compare their productions with other MAPublisher and Geographic Imager users from around the world.

“We are very pleased to hold this awards event once again,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. ”Every year we see more and more tremendous examples of what our products can empower a user to create and we look forward to just as exciting a selection of entries this year,” he added.

A copy of all maps received for this year’s competition will also be forwarded to The Map Division of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC to be added to the MAPublisher collection established in 2003.

More About the Avenza MAP Awards
The competition is open to all maps created with MAPublisher and/or Geographic Imager. Awards will be presented for the map judged as the best in each category along with a grand prize for the Best Map Overall. In the academic category the winning entrant with also be awarded a free license of the MAPublisher or Geographic Imager version of their choice that they may use to either expand or upgrade their existing working environment.

List of Categories

  • Best Map Overall
  • Best Thematic Map
  • Best Topographic Map
  • Best Transportation Map
  • Best General Purpose Map
  • Best Special Purpose Map
  • Best Geologic Map
  • Best Multimedia Map
  • Best Academic Map
  • Best Map Collection
  • Best Raster project


Submissions will be accepted until September 30th, 2006 midnight EST.

Full competition details are available at or by emailing

More About MAPublisher and Geographic Imager
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of these design packages. Geographic Imager is powerful software for working with spatial imagery in Adobe Photoshop that leverages the superior image editing capabilities of this raster-based image-editing software. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

Avenza Announces MAPublisher 7.0 for Adobe Illustrator

– Powerful mapmaking software now enriched with even more powerful tools –

Toronto, ON, July 18, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces the release of MAPublisher 7.0 for Adobe Illustrator. MAPublisher 7.0 is the latest version of this powerful mapmaking software used to produce high quality maps from GIS data.

Significant new functionality in MAPublisher 7.0 includes a new intelligent labeling engine, new grid, graticules and scalebar generators, new and improved MAP attributes engine with expression builder, advanced selection filters and support for double-byte character sets.

“This is a very exciting and impressive upgrade to an already powerful software suite”, said Hans van der Maarel of Red Geographics in The Netherlands. “Especially the new labeling function which will definitely make a large difference in productivity”, he added.

Features of MAPublisher 7.0 for Adobe Illustrator

  • Improved labeling engine with intelligent label placement
  • New grids and graticules generator – grids can now be created on any projected or geodetic map view
  • New scale bar generator offering more new options and customization
  • New MAP attributes palette and functions – new engine offers search/replace and expression based attributes
  • Introduction of art property attributes – edit map art from within the attributes palette
  • New Expression Builder for creating simple and complex selections and attribute assignments
  • Support for value ranges in MAP Stylesheets for legend creation and symbolization
  • New MAP Selections palette – selections may now be saved and more easily applied
  • New Import Table functionality
  • New North Arrow functionality – easily convert any Illustrator symbol to an auto-aligned north arrow
  • Import MAP View – easily transfer complete MAP Views and layers between documents
  • Support for double-byte and other international character sets
  • Single-click automatic centering and re-positioning of page anchors
  • Various user interface enhancements to improve usability

More About MAPublisher 7.0 For Adobe Illustrator
MAPublisher 7.0 for Illustrator is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of this graphics design software. Avenza also offers MAPublisher 5.0 for FreeHand – a suite of Xtras that adds mapmaking functionality to Macromedia Freehand 10 and MX.
MAPublisher 7.0 for Illustrator is available free of charge to all MAPublisher for Illustrator customers with a maintenance subscription and as an upgrade for US$499. New licenses are US$1149. Prices include 1 year of maintenance. Electronic versions are immediately available for purchase and download. Boxed copies will be available the week of July 24th. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

Estonian University of Life Sciences Makes MAPublisher Their Choice for Cartographic Software

– Students to take advantage of the graphics capabilities of MAPublisher to produce high-quality maps. –

Toronto, ON, July 5, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces that the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu, Estonia has purchased multiple MAPublisher software licenses for use in their computer lab.

“MAPublisher is a fantastic tool for landscape architecture and landscape management which will help us combine the technical functionality of GIS and CAD with Adobe Illustrator’s design possibilities.” said Kalev Sepp, Professor of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation. “As a result, designed spatial plans and maps will be nicer, more understandable and easier to read. I am convinced that our students will learn valuable skills in knowing how to use MAPublisher which will have additional value in the post-graduation labour market.”, he added.

MAPublisher will be primarily used in the teaching of GIS, CAD and design throughout the programs offered at the university. Students will be able to take advantage of the graphics capabilities of MAPublisher to produce high-quality maps.

More About MAPublisher
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Xtras for Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics editing capabilities of these applications with the strength and power of GIS data. Full details and downloadable demo versions are available at

More about the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences
The Estonian Agricultural University is a center for research and development in Estonia in agriculture, forestry, animal science, veterinary science, rural life and economy, food science, biodiversity, nature protection, renewable natural resources and environmentally friendly technologies. The Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was formed in 2004 by combining the several departments at the Estonian University of Life Sciences: Faculty of Agronomy, Institute of Zoology and Botany, Institute of Experimental Biology, Environmental Protection Institute, Polli Horticultural Institute and Plant Biotechnological Research Centre EVIKA.

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is a privately held, award-winning supplier of powerful map-making software and affordable geodata products. The Company also offers product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India Chooses MAPublisher

– Major Indian government agency adopts MAPublisher for its map production –

Toronto, ON, May 9, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces that the National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India (NATMO) has chosen MAPublisher for their map creation needs. This Kolkata-based branch of the Indian government is the prime architect of the National Atlas of India as well as many other major geographic and cartographic projects for the Indian government.

Multiple licenses of MAPublisher have been purchased by NATMO as a first step towards integration into their workflow and the modernizing of their cartographic and geographic production processes.

“We are thrilled to include NATMO among the many prominent overseas users of MAPublisher who have invested in multiple licenses,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. “It is wonderful to see the growing acceptance of our products overseas and to be a part of the Indian government’s entry into modern-day map creation methods,” he added.

More About MAPublisher
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Xtras for Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics editing capabilities of these applications with the strength and power of GIS data. Full details and downloadable demo versions are available at

More about the National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organization of India
The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization is the premier national thematic maps and atlas making organization under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology. Based in Kolkata, this organisation is a subordinate office under the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of science and Technology, Government of India. It presently has a sanctioned strength of 462 posts which includes 75 officers and 387 staff members of different designations including scientific, technical and administrative officials of which a large number are highly qualified professional geographers, perhaps the largest number under one roof any where in the world. It also employs qualified statisticians, geologists, cartographers and printing professional.

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is a privately held, award-winning supplier of powerful map-making software and affordable geodata products. Led by its flagship MAPublisher product for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand and new Geographic Imager suite for Adobe Photoshop, Avenza has brought GIS and geographic workflows to the mainstream graphics and imaging environments. The Company also offers product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information:
Avenza Systems ● 416-487-5116 ● ●

National Geographic Society Chooses MAPublisher and Geographic Imager

– Leading map producer adopts Avenza’s products for its book publishing group –

Toronto, ON, May 1, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop announces that The National Geographic Society in Washington, DC has chosen both MAPublisher and Geographic Imager for their map creation needs within the book publishing group.

Multiple MAPublisher licenses of both products have been purchased by the NGS, along with onsite MAPublisher training for its cartographic designers.

“We are thrilled to include National Geographic among the many prominent users of MAPublisher and Geographic Imager who have invested in multiple licenses of our products,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. “NGS is recognized the world over as a leading producer of high quality cartographic products and we are delighted to extend our ongoing relationship with them and to continue to work with them in the future,” he added.

“We are very pleased to be able to include MAPublisher and Geographic Imager in our map creation workflows,” said Bill McNulty, of National Geographic Magazine.

More About MAPublisher
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Xtras for Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics editing capabilities of these applications with the strength and power of GIS data. Full details and downloadable demo versions are available at

More About Geographic Imager
Geographic Imager is powerful software for working with spatial imagery in Adobe Photoshop that leverages the superior image editing capabilities of this raster-based image-editing software. Geographic Imager enhances the already commanding Adobe Photoshop imaging environment by adding all the tools and technology necessary to support the import, edit, manipulation and export of geospatial images such as aerial and satellite imagery. Full details are available at

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is a privately held, award-winning supplier of powerful map-making software and affordable geodata products. Led by its flagship MAPublisher product for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand and new Geographic Imager suite for Adobe Photoshop, Avenza has brought GIS and geographic workflows to the mainstream graphics and imaging environments. The Company also offers product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information please contact:
Avenza Systems Inc.
Tel: 416-487-5116

Avenza Announces Geographic Imager 1.1 Update

– Powerful geospatial plug-in suite for Adobe Photoshop CS2 now enhanced with new features –

Toronto, ON, March 6, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia FreeHand as well as MAPdataUSA and MAPdataWorld royalty-free data sets, announces that it has released an update to Geographic Imager, a new plug-in suite for Adobe Photoshop CS2 software that adds geospatial functionality to this powerful image editing program.

“Following the successful release and tremendous reception of the initial Geographic Imager release last fall, we are delighted to be following up so quickly with this update”, said Ted Florence, President of Avenza Systems. “We have responded to the requests of our users to add the functionality and improvements that they have asked for.” he added.

Geographic Imager enhances the already commanding Adobe Photoshop CS2 imaging environment by adding all the tools and technology necessary to support the import, edit, manipulation and export of geospatial images such as aerial and satellite imagery. In addition to allowing the use of Photoshop CS2 and its numerous native imaging functions such as cropping, transparencies, individual pixel editing and brightness/contrast control, Geographic Imager adds the ability to import and recognize geotiffs and other referenced raster formats, automatically mosaic images spatially, reproject and transform images, geo-reference images based on ground control points and re-export images with all spatial information intact.

Features and Benefits of Geographic Imager

  • Allows the use of Adobe Photoshop native functionality without destroying the spatial properties of the image
  • Import and export geotiffs and other spatial raster formats along with all georeferencing
  • Georeference non-referenced imagery
  • Ground Control Point (GCP) transformation
  • Reprojection of spatial imagery
  • Automatic mosaicking of spatial imagery
  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 compatible
  • Mac, Windows and floating licenses available


Features of the Geographic Imager 1.1 Update

  • Support for French, German, Italian and Dutch language versions of Adobe Photoshop CS2
  • Improved memory management during reprojection allowing for the reprojection of bigger images
  • Unrestricted mosaicking of multilayered images
  • Improved handling of reprojection results that greatly distort the original image extents
  • Additional colour mode support for Ground Control Point (GCP) transformation
  • Coordinate system details are now accessible from the main palette
  • Various GCP viewing precision and usability fixes
  • Numerous cosmetic fixes and improved overall application stability


More About Geographic Imager
Geographic Imager is powerful software for working with spatial imagery in Adobe Photoshop that leverages the superior image editing capabilities of this raster-based image-editing software. Geographic Imager is priced starting at US$599 for a single-user fixed commercial license. MAPublisher maintenance program members may enjoy a US$100 time-limited discount. Educational and floating licenses as well as discounted MAPublisher/ Geographic Imager bundles are also available. Full details are available at

More About MAPublisher
MAPublisher is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. Developed as a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand, MAPublisher leverages the superior graphics capabilities of these graphics design applications.

More about Avenza Systems Inc.
Avenza Systems Inc. is an award-winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, Avenza offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit for more details.

For further information please contact:
Avenza Systems Inc.
Tel: 416-487-5116

Avenza Announces MAPdataUSA 3.0 – Royalty-Free Data for the US & Territories

Toronto, ON, January 30, 2006 – Avenza Systems Inc., the developer of MAPublisher map production software and Geographic Imager spatial imaging software, announces the release of MAPdataUSA 3.0, the latest edition of its library of the complete US TIGER/Line data set converted to Shape file format. Enhancements include joined road and water layers, proper name directory of states and counties, convenient 5-DVD package and concatenated road names to a single column for easier labeling and selecting.

“Customers tell us this DVD library will save them time lost downloading and manipulating TIGER data to suit their particular requirements,” said Ted Florence, president of Avenza Systems Inc. “This royalty-free data forms the perfect base for countless mapping and GIS projects involving US jurisdictions and it’s no surprise that we have had a waiting list of customers anxious to take delivery of this updated data set,” he added.

Summary of MAPdataUSA 3.0 benefits:

  • 5 DVD library provides easy access to complete US Census TIGER data
  • Completely royalty-free for all uses
  • already in Shape file format for direct use with MAPublisher and most GIS packages
  • organized by state and county using proper names for easy and convenient access
  • polylined or joined linear files of roads and water lines
  • up to 45 data layers for each county (see for full listing)
  • road name columns have been concatenated for easier labeling
  • includes ZIP codes tabulation areas
  • compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems
  • includes additional data tables for roads and landmarks

For complete product details visit

Availability and pricing:

MAPdataUSA is now shipping direct from Avenza Systems Inc. and through Avenza’s worldwide reseller network at the following prices:

  • Full MAPdataUSA 3.0 library of 5 DVDs – US$499
  • Reduced price for MAPublisher Maintenance Program members – US$449
  • Reduced price for MAPdataUSA 2K licensees – US$349
  • Price for MAPublisher full version and MAPdataUSA 3.0 bundle – US$1299
  • Individual states are also available – US$179 each

More about Avenza Systems Inc.

Avenza Systems Inc. is an award winning, privately held corporation that provides cartographers and GIS professionals with powerful software tools for making better maps. In addition to software offerings for Mac and Windows users, the Company offers value-added data sets, product training and consulting services. Visit or call 416-487-5116 for more details.

For further information please contact:
Avenza Systems Inc.
Tel: 416-487-5116
Email: Web:

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