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Getting Started: Working with MAP Attributes

Welcome back to the MAPublisher Getting Started video series, a tutorial-focused introduction to the MAPublisher workspace. In this video, we are focusing on MAP Attributes. We show you how to manage and configure MAP Attribute tables in MAPublisher, and perform simple calculations using the attribute expression builder. Use the video summary notes below to help you follow along.

What is a MAP Attribute?

MAP Attributes are the non-spatial data stored within a geospatial dataset, usually containing additional descriptors to enhance the quality and context of the geospatial data. For example, a dataset containing the points of tree locations may include attribute components that describe the species, height, and age of each individual tree located in the dataset.

MAP Attributes Panel

The MAP Attributes panel can be found in the Properties section of the MAP Toolbar, or accessed by clicking Window > MAPublisher > MAP Attributes. The panel will show the attributes for any artwork that is selected on your document. To edit attribute values, you can double-click inside a cell and type a new value.

The width of each column can be changed by dragging the column separator, or you can right-click and select Resize all to fit content. You can change the sorting order of the data by clicking on a field heading. You can also zoom to a specific piece of art via the MAP Attributes panel. To do this, select an attribute record, right-click it, and then select Zoom to Feature.

Creating and Editing MAP Attribute Fields

You can add a column to the MAP Attribute table by clicking the Edit Schema button at the bottom of the panel. The Edit Schema dialog box displays the columns associated with the map attributes table on the currently selected layer. Click the Add button to add a new attribute column.

When creating a new attribute you are able to set the Name, Display Name, and Type. You can also set a default value if desired, and change the visibility and read/write options. Finally, you can create an expression using the Expression Builder to define the value of the field if required. This option allows you to use other values from the attribute table in your expression.

In order to edit existing columns, you can once again return to the Edit Schema Window through the MAP Attributes table.

Please visit the Working with MAP Attributes tutorial page for this video to follow along with detailed descriptions. For more helpful tutorials like this one for MAPublisher, check out our Support Centre!